Cracks in the ice. Shards in the heart.


What is this?

This is one place to find all of the creative work of the writer and musician William (Henry) Morris.


Because social media is fractured. Other platforms are dead or dying (I'm very sad about Bandcamp). I'm wary of both Patreon and Substack. I'm not looking to set up some extensive, complicated membership program. I just want a plain website that doesn't track you, that doesn't become crappy if a founder sells out, that doesn't require me to keep up with plugins and updates, etc. Maybe in time it will require more complexity. For now, I'm reveling in being able to stick to simple html/css.

But why the different names?

It's kind of an Iain Banks/Iain M. Banks situation. They're all me (Esplin is a family name), but especially with a core name of William Morris being such a common one, I decided it'd be smarter to not use it even though it's the one I started out with when I first started publishing with indie Mormon journals (and continue to use it in that scene).

I like your work. How can I support you?

For now? Check out the books and albums linked above and buy them if they appeal to you and you can afford them. If you already own my work or would just prefer to donate directly: Paypal

Or you could purchase a title from my Bookshop Wish List, which contains books I want to write about but am not likely to purchase for myself.

Also: sharing my work with others you think would enjoy it is a lovely way to show support.

Can't afford something but really want to check it out? Email me at admin@[insert the name of this domain] with what you'd be interested in getting a free copy of.

Why Frozen Sea Press?

Because somebody got to the frozensea without the press .com domain name before I did. But also, of course, Kafka